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Education Books Bookshelves


There are endless options for curriculum to meet any homeschool's need. Check out our working Google doc on a variety of choices to get you excited about all the possibilities. Homeschool Curriculum links.

PDF File of Curriculum links as of 8/6/2020


Thinking of Homeschooling in High School? Things to Consider:

If you plan on homeschooling only part of high school and returning to public school, please understand that you will need to prove the completion of credits. Although the law indicates that this can be done via testing or "other methods", the most efficient way is to use an accredited program. Please see the curriculum doc above for a list and links to some accredited programs. 

Please read NHN's faq, section 6 A

For the Homeschool High Schooler, there are other options to consider!

(Under Construction, please check back soon)  






Many of our children face challenges with Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, and other learning differences. You can homeschool your child with learning differences, there are lots of resources and places to get help.

Here is a list of resources* to get you started. If you have suggestions to add to the list, let us know! 


*NNHS does not endorse or recommend a specific curriculum or business listed here. These were compiled from suggestions from fellow homeschool parents. 



Dyslexia Learning Solutions

(Reno, offering a variety of services including assessments and interventions with homeschoolers in mind)

Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia (Susan Barton)

Overcoming Dyslexia (book)

Lexercise (assessments and online therapy)


Eye Convergence/Tracking Therapy (Reno):

Pritchett Eye Care

Epic Vision Development


Parent-Recommended Curriculum/Programs:



Right Start Math

All About Reading

All About Spelling




Resources: Programs


How-To Homeschool, Inspiration, Parenting and Education

They're Your Kids

The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart

The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer

The Read-Aloud Family by Pam Barnhill

The Unschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith

Teaching From Rest

The Self-Driven Child


Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn

Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto

There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather

Free to Learn by Peter Gray

What do We Do Monday? by John Holt

Home Learning Year by Year by Rebecca Rupp

How to Talk so Kids Can Learn

Lighting Their Fires




Resources: Text
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